We Extend a Warm Welcome to Our Visitors!
May you know God's presence with you as you gather with us at St. James. If you are a resident of the Huntingdon area looking for a church home or just visiting Huntingdon County, please accept this invitation to become a part of our St. James community. You are encouraged to speak to our pastor, or call the church office and leave a message with our office secretary, Amy. Our office hours are 9:00a - 1:00p, Monday - Friday.
Inquiry sessions are planned throughout the year for those who want to explore more about faith and life in general, and specifically life and ministry at St. James. Some who attend these sessions may choose to become members at St. James.
We're Easy to Find!
We are located right in the middle of Huntingdon, PA, at 525 Mifflin St. It's pretty hard to miss us. Stop on by - we'd love to meet you!
Worship @ St. James
You are invited to gather together with the St. James community worshipping the Living Lord on
Sunday mornings at 9:30 A.M.
Communion is offered at each worship gathering: We believe that through Scripture and God's Spirit this sacrament is set apart as Christ's body and blood given in the bread and wine; and that we are nourished by this gift. We proclaim our Lord's life, death and resurrection in communion, and through receiving it we proclaim Christ as central to our living. All who profess Christ's presence in this meal are welcome to receive communion. Children not presently receiving communion are encouraged to come forward and receive a blessing.
Please stay and join us in the Luther Outreach Center for refreshments and conversation following worship! All ages are welcome to join in Christian Education Classes following worship as well.
More children's ministry is offered at the 9:30a worship service: Children are welcome to come forward for a Children's Lesson. Children are welcome to join in the Children's Activity and then return to worship at communion.
A nursery with interactive play is provided for infants and preschool-age children at the 9:30 A.M. worship hour. Our nursery is inviting to children and provides a soundproof window to the sanctuary for parents. We also provide a call system for parents to carry in their pocket or purse. Worship can be heard through an audio system in the nursery.
Music: We share a variety of liturgies throughout the season of the church year. Our Senior Choir is active from September through May providing special music. We enjoy local and regional guest musicians throughout the summer season.