Ministry at St. James, extending into the wider community included, Worship opportunities – listed in this pamphlet, and other seasonal worship gatherings.
✝ CHOIRS – Sr. Choir, Bell Choir and Youth Choir
✝ LEARNING GROUPS – Sunday Education classes for all ages; Advent/Lent studies and fellowship; Home gatherings and seminars of particular interest.
✝ ST. JAMES CAFÉ – Coffee hour is a part of our Sunday routine from September through May.
✝ CHILDREN'S MINISTRY: CLUB 345 – activities and learning for children in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade.
✝ YOUTH MINISTRY (Jr. /Sr. High) – activities, service projects, Bible studies and discussions.
✝ JUNIATA COLLEGE CONNECTION – campus ministry events are planned throughout the year.
✝ STEWARDSHIP – Responding to what God has given with our Time, Talents & Treasures.
✝ SERVICE PROJECTS – planned with local and regional agencies/ministries
✝ GLOBAL MISSION – particularly in Guyana and in Kenya with our ELCA Companion Synod.
✝ FELLOWSHIP EVENTS – there are many gatherings throughout the year which we look forward to as times of fun and renewal.
✝ ST. JAMES WOMEN'S GROUP – organizes several projects and events throughout the year.
We know that we are not alone in the mission to which we are called. We are active in the Huntingdon Forum of Churches and with local agencies. We are connected with the Allegheny Synod in our region and the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) in our nation and world.