St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church welcomes all gifts and donations to help fund the missions of our Church. It is now possible to donate by downloading the Give Plus app to your phone or tablet.
Once you download the app, it's easy to make your weekly offerings automatically through the app or to make a one time gift. You're always in control of your giving.
This App was developed by Vanco Payment Services LLC, a division of Wells Fargo Bank N.A. St James has used Vanco Services for many years to process e-check giving by some of our members, we have added the mobile app w/ credit and debit card option.
Here is the easy process to follow.
1. Go to App Store or where ever you get apps for your device.
2. In search line type give plus church
3. Choose the Give Plus+ App (developed by Vanco Services LLC).
4. Read all the information about the app, they go into detail about the features.
5. Download (Get) the App.
6. Fill out your information.
7. Choose "St James Evangelical Church" from the list of churches to direct your donation.
8. You may use the app to donate by credit or debit card or your checking account after you fill out the information.
9. You may make one time donations or you may set up recurring donations.
10. Choose from our three main funds ( general, building or youth), to direct your gift.
11. You will receive a receipt by email in minutes
We hope this new feature will make it more convenient to continue to support the church during this trying time.
THANK YOU for your support of St. James Lutheran.